Military Diet

I need to seriously go on a diet! With less than two weeks to go, any #dayrebrides can help?

So far my plan is to make a diet out of:
– plain water
– oatmeal breakfast
– shirataki noodles / tofu pasta for lunch
– golden mushrooms for dinner
– mushroom steak with bell peppers, airfried
– spinach with oyster or soy sauce
– boiled chicken breast

I'm not a fan of fruits although I know I should probably be eating more of them.

I'm rejecting flavoured drinks at all my meetings now and opting for plain water instead, but I don't know if that is enough…

Also downloaded a workout app to remind myself to exercise every day at 11pm before I shower! I hate running so it'll mostly be ab or arm workouts with weights?

Anyone got good YouTube videos for workouts to recommend? Please don't say #bbg cos I tried and died. Too tough! I also tried blogilates before and some are real killers.

I hate burpees with a vengeance.

Coconut cold brew coffee for lunch!

Saw this app with good reviews so I'm trying out.

Sample list of the intermediate ab workout that I'm on. Plank 20s like quite easy? I used to do 1 min at least for dance leh.

A tracker to keep me accountable!

Okay the exercises are easy on their own but they've 5 workout categories for you to complete in one day. I did 4/5 of them last night and was so tired after :/ stamina cui. I'm not aching anywhere though unlike after dance, but dance is different cos I actually enjoy it!

My dance friend introduced me to the Military Diet which we were supposed to do last year but (surprise!) never ended up doing lol.

We even set up a whatsapp group to keep each other accountable, so that we could all work out and diet to look good for our stage performance, but…

I'm a terrible person 🙊 food is my weakness.

This diet seems appealing cos I still get to eat! Black coffee, bread and grapefruit for breakfast the first day.

Lunch is then coffee with tuna on bread. I could do that!

Dinner on the first day does seem a bit heavy though. Steak will be my protein for sure!! I'll just avoid the fatty portion, can right?

I'm quite clueless about the greens – any #dayrewives can help me out here? How do I cook green beans or eat them? Would substituting with spinach or asparagus work?

Breakfast the next day looks pretty straightforward too? I already like these foods that this hardly seems like a diet lol.

Lunch for the second day doesn't look as appetising though because I'm not really a fan of cottage cheese! Am gonna replace this with cheddar.

Found that other substitutes include plain Greek yogurt, eggs, or ham. Alternatively, you can choose cheddar or ricotta cheese. I might replace with eggs instead then depending on my cravings!

For those of you who hate broccoli, you can swop with spinach, cauliflower or asparagus too! I wonder why all the dinners on this diet seem so heavy, when most other diets say to eat heavy breakfasts and light dinners instead.

Day 3 breakfast is pretty straightforward! I quite like saltine crackers so this doesn't even seem like a diet at first glance? Lol maybe when I try it I'll be so hungry that I'll change my mind 😂

Finally, tuna for the last meal of the 3 day diet again! I'm not sure if I'll go with ice cream cos it seems so unhealthy! Read that fruit yoghurt is another good substitute so I might opt for that instead.

Day 3 lunch seems torturous – probably hard boiled egg will help fill my tummy better than soft boiled, although I really like my eggs Yakun style 😐

Found this on the website:

The total calorie intake for the 3-day phase ranges from 1,000-1,400 calories per day. The remaining 4 days revolve around healthy food as well and dieters are advised to keep their calorie intake under 1500 a day.

The diet can be repeated several times until a desired weight loss goal is reached.

The meals on this diet plan may be low in calories, but they are a great combination of dietary fat, carbohydrate and protein, which reduce cravings. Plus, the meals are simple and easy to prepare and require spending very little time in the kitchen. And, it’s probably the only diet that allows ice cream and hotdogs!

😂😂 so true! I never thought ice cream and hot dogs would be allowed in a diet cos they're usually perceived to be unhealthy aren't they!

It also says that it'll be best to pair it with some light exercise, cos since our calorie intake on the Military Diet will be very low, the calories burnt during exercise will be drawn from our fat stores! Sounds good to me. This will further increase our weight loss results than simply dieting without exercise. Maybe I'll do the exercises on my app, or Fitness Blender like what some of you recommended below!

Oh oh and tips shared by others who reviewed this military diet online said to drink lots of water in between the meals especially whenever hunger pangs hit!

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