Learning how to invest

I devoured information and learning skills related to investing from a wide variety of sources when I started out. It helps that I can read faster than the average reader as well, so I managed to pick up at a faster rate than my average peer.

But to be frank, I also got bored quite often because the information was just so dry! For someone who doesn't have an accounting background, learning about how to read financial reports was also a really daunting task.

Which is why I'm most thankful for my mentor, my fellow investment buddies, and of course the trainers who generously shared their investment methodology and approach (for a small fee).

I attended many free classes and paid for what I felt to be the better ones out of my own pocket, and I still do.

๐Ÿ“š Books are extremely useful, but much of the existing literature on investment are not exactly tailored to the Singapore stock market. So among the entire list, I continue to pay for and attend investment courses to improve my skills.

The only caveat is, the trainers MUST be good investors themselves and whom I respect.

Financial education is a lucrative market and I'm not in favour of providers who are in it just for the money. (there are quite a few, not gonna say who)

Aside from these, succeed in investing and make money, you'll also need to be well equipped with:

โœ… having the right Investor Psychology
โœ… an investment model to guide your analysis
โœ… understand the company's business model
โœ… see if you can trust the management team to succeed
โœ… check the company's financial health
โœ… value how much the stock is worth
โœ… Stock Screening and sieve out the bad eggs
โœ… decide when to buy and sell
โœ… manage your portfolio for maximum gain and minimal losses

Who wants to learn these skills? ๐Ÿ™‹

I've covered 3, 4 and 5 in my free Dayre investment courses previously, but to be frank I don't think I have the energy or resources to organise anymore this year! Unless I repeat the idea for my Christmas giveaway, that is.

The best way to pick up these skills is through real-world experience in the stock markets BUT you can lose tons if you're not careful, which is why…

I prefer to learn from the mistakes of others

I've learnt from people who have lost $80k to $400k in the stock markets, and learnt from them what to do and what to avoid. And boy, they're good.

I mean obviously la. Come on! If you lose so much money, wouldn't you remember the lesson for life? I mean, I remember my mistake on ILPs up till now cos I lost a few freaking thousands just to learn the lesson that I shouldn't trust agents so wholeheartedly next time!

(luckily I've since made that money back…yall pls learn from my mistakes k)

If I introduced to you a system that has CONSISTENTLY made huge gains above average returns of 20% to 40% and with some winners raking in 176% to 300%…would you want to learn their formula and approach?

The same approach which turned around a portfolio of $400,000 in losses to $2 million in profits?

(disclaimer: not my system I not so zai and don't have so much money)

These are some of their returns (not mine, though I wish I was that zai! Also, Centurion was a stock I spotted quite early on but didn't buy cos I felt price not right, and yet these guys went in earlier and lower than me k.)

Disclaimer : NOT a sponsored post

They also spotted the same stocks that I did ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ but even earlier and at lower prices than me ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

They'll be releasing their methodology and formulas next month so I was one of the first few to sign up the moment I heard the news! Cheap leh. Don't be the next victim who lose so much money cos of their financial ignorance ok. I mean, just look at some of the schemes I've written about.

(ooh JJTPR founder just got arrested in Malaysia ๐Ÿ˜ถ)

The previous course I attended from them had a bigger focus on quantitative analysis and only on a dividend-yielding counters (mostly REITS), so this time I'm going for their full course – qualitative + quantitative analysis for ALL types of stocks.

Not gonna post details here so if you guys wanna come or join me for it, email me and I'll send you details!


(p.s. it's only $300++ which I think is too cheap so I'm asking them to raise prices next year LOL cos you could easily earn this back after applying their formula!)

You'll also be getting:
– their propriety flows charts and checklists for your future investments (I would pay $1k just to get my hands on their formula!)

– lifetime access to their online content portal (including all future course updates and new materials or formulas SIAOOO)

There are other stuff included which I lazy to say here but you know what's the craziest?


Siao one these guys. Remind me to drop them another email to tell them to increase the price for next year ok.

(to put things into context, a few friends of mine paid $4000+ for another provider whose content I could easily have told them. This one? I cannot. They too high level and much better investors than me ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Dates: Saturday's in June!

I decided not to post the name of the course provider up here because (i) later haters come after me. So (ii) for those of you genuinely interested in learning, you can email me and I'll be more than happy to share the details!

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