Don’t make the mistake of paying for your income taxes via GIRO, because that earns you absolutely NOTHING on your payments. Here’s what I’ve been using to earn miles on…
Are you unknowingly being nurtured to cultivate more reckless spending habits? A few years ago, when Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services were first launched, a lot of folks questioned…
While the Singapore government’s latest Budget 2023 doled out several goodies, it also came with one unexpected shocker (especially for many working mothers) when it was announced that there’ll be…
Good news for Singapore: SGFinDex now officially includes insurance data, which means that you and I are finally able to manage our bank accounts, CPF, HDB, IRAS, CDP investments and…
Managing one’s personal finances today looks very different from what it used to be for our parents’ generation. No wonder more people are falling behind and are unable to get…
When inflation hits and you’re seeing your expenses go up as a result, what do you do? Do you: I’m the type of person who falls into the third category,…
Your home loan is generally the largest among your fixed expenses each month. Make sure you lock in the best home loan at the best rates so that you don’t…
Go get $170 of generous sign-up perks for yourself and your family first (while it lasts), then decide whether sticking around with the credit card / savings account makes sense…