Ask BB about stocks!

What are some stocks that you guys are thinking of investing in that you want me to take a look at?

Accepting ideas for stocks to research on!

I hope you guys liked my mini-analysis yesterday on Zeltiq Aesthetics and its stock! (although I'm frankly crying over how I let $6000 slip past my fingers like that).

During the crash courses in December and Jan, some of you asked about specific stocks like DBS (yay I have that winner), M1 and more.

Since I won't have time to organise another meet up anytime soon (got my wedding coming up next month omg), I thought I'll chat with you guys here instead first!

If I've looked at the stock before, I'll briefly share about it here. If not, I'll go look it up!

Leave a comment below or tag your post with #dayreaskbb and #dayrestocktips if you want me to take a look!

Note that I am NOT a financial analyst and neither am I the smartest in investing (how to beat the professionals like Warren Buffett you tell me). But if you've enjoyed my sharing so far and like the way I analyse my investments, feel free to use this to get a peek into my mind!

Hopefully we'll be able to come up with some winning stock ideas together? 😁 #dayrefinance

😱 omg guys I wasn't expecting such an overwhelming response!

So far you guys have shortlisted / nominated 26 stocks that you've said you want me to look at. However, analysing just ONE stock isn't easy! As you guys saw from my previous post on Zeltiq, I only managed to do about 50% of the analysis before giving up after seeing it rise to meteoric heights (aka overvalued maybe…or at any rate too late to enter now)

To be very frank, there's no way I can possibly finish analysing all of the 26 stocks in detail which you've mentioned so far. I take anywhere between one week to a few months for one stock, so that will be anywhere from 7 months (if I'm super zai, which I'm not) to a few years!?!?! 😱

There are a few ones that I wanna talk about though, from the names you guys have mentioned. So I'll slowly upload them (one stock per article) here on Dayre over the next few weeks. Keep a lookout for your stock to see if it gets covered!

To answer @ashlynnec question, yes, you can nominate any stock. I mostly invest in Singapore and US equity markets now, so if you have other overseas stocks in mind I may not be the best person to ask. Having said that, I did look at Nintendo in 2015 but never got around to doing an in-depth analysis before the stock rose to crazy heights due to Pokemon Go. The reason is due to the difficulty of finding information on Japanese annual reports, and of course other related data.

What I'm hoping to create is a #dayrefinance and #dayreinvest community here, sharing stock ideas for each other to leverage on!

There are very few females in the investment world compared to the men, but I believe we have a lot to contribute. For one, our style and approach to stocks can vary quite a lot from how the men do it. Also, we could end up looking at different stocks to find more hidden gems!

Such as Zeltiq in my previous post! None of my male friends even heard about it 😂😂😂

Replying @vss3t : I can't and won't tell you when to buy or sell, because that is a decision you'll have to make by yourself. Valuations are ultimately subjective. Some people think Keppel is cheap at $6.50 (especially those who owned it at $8 previously), but I find it expensive at today's levels and will personally not pay anything more than maybe $5.80 for it?

Some people are buying DBS now at $18 but there are others who are selling off their positions at this price. So is it cheap or expensive? That's a question you'll have to answer yourself.

It is a little like buying anything, actually. Maybe some of you #dayrebeauty girls think $50 for a good foundation is cheap, or fairly priced. But to me, that's far too expensive in my books, since I've been using my trusty Za foundation (the same one I discovered years ago thanks to @xiaxue reviewing it on her blog) all this while which costs only $20+.

Hopefully that helps you guys to better understand why I cannot give you buy or sell signals on stocks!

"Eh BB, but what about the analyst reports! How come they can issue buy, hold or sell calls then you say you cannot leh? "

HAHAHA please go back and do a backtest of:
📍how often these analysts are right
📍how you have different brokerages issuing different buy hold sell signals on the SAME stock at the SAME time

I give you easy example so you can do the back testing k. Look at SingPost.

Not too long ago when everyone was all excited about Alibaba having a stake in it, most of the brokerages were saying BUY BUY BUY.

It rose to $2.10 iirc. My broker told me, "you must trust me, must buy! My parents bought at $2.10. You buy now, cheaper than them. I won't hai4 my parents!"

That time I still quite noob so I listened to him. That's when I learnt my first lesson in investing:


(ok la not all brokers are bad but they are VERY RARE). Brokers make money when you buy or sell any stock. Whether or not you earn money on that stock is secondary to them cos they've pocketed your trade commissions already.

Back to SingPost. KABOOM! News about senior management being fired, them not able to keep up with demand, blablabla all came in. Sh*t hit the fan.

Where's the stock price now?

Thanks ah Mr. Broker

Can I blame him? Not entirely, because at the end of the day, I was the one who made that decision to buy based on his "advice".

So in summary, make your own decisions ok! Don't ask me cos I won't tell you. Occasionally I may say if it is a stock I'm watching, or that I'll buy or sell at a certain price (because of XX reason), but please do not take them as Bible Truths because they are not.

I'm not God. I can't see whether the stock price will rise or drop.

But I can make an intelligent guess. Whether or not I'm right…only time will tell.

Let me illustrate further.

Is Sembcorp Marine a good stock?

If you spent $10000 buying this in April 2011, it'll only be worth about $2500 today.

But if you had bought earlier in 2008, it'll be worth an extra $2500 today, or $12500 thereabouts.

Even if you only bought last month, you would have made $1000 in this short period already.

See what I mean?

There's no such thing as a good stock, only undervalued / fairly priced / overvalued ones. That is, if you practise the style of investing that I subscribe too la.

BB, where can I learn to invest like you?

There are investment courses out there. Some I feel are scammy, others too expensive. The good ones are rare, but the instructors there have now become my friends after I attended their courses. These folks are fellow investors who have made it their career to educate Singaporeans on how to invest, and people whom I respect.

If you're interested, you can drop me an email and I'll send you the links. Note that none of them sponsored me – I've paid for most of the courses with my own money (except one, which I told them after I'll gladly pay for).

Having seen myself first-hand their teaching, I feel assured and that's why I reached out to them to ask them to give special attention to BB readers if you guys wanna attend through me.

Now, these guys are not 100% right all the time in their investments too. They've had big stock winners, and some lousy ones. Everyone does, even Warren Buffett.

No investor is right on their stock choices 100% of the time. If someone claims they are, they're most likely either lying to you, or super extremely supremely intelligent and smart and lucky. Which is super rare la come on.


And because we (and these guys) have it, they still emerge as winners at the end of the day on their investments. The gains more than outstrip the losers.

I won't be posting here lest people think this is a sponsored post, so if you're keen to go for investment courses, drop me an email and I'll send it over to you 🙂

Ok in the meantime, stay tuned for tomorrow's post coming up in 2 hours.

Poll: what do you guys wanna read tomorrow?

A: where and how I get my work outfits for cheap

B: stock analysis on Asian Pay Television Trust ?

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