Venice Day 2! Murano

The weather is so gorgeous! We did our short morning workout in our B&B room, and I love the feeling of not perspiring while working out HAHA. So that I don't have to rewash my hair again!

We're heading to Murano and Burano today! I wonder if it is possible to cover both in one day, or should we spread out?

Also, we rewatched our AD video again last night and it was so touching!! Would y'all wanna see?


Took a day trip out to the island's of Murano and Burano today! We each purchased a city pass for 20 euros, which gave us unlimited rides on the public water taxi for 24 hours to go wherever we want.

Murano is famous for its glass blowing techniques which backdates 600 years (if I remember correctly what the guide said), whereas Burano is famous for its lace and coloured houses!

Streets of Venice.

Hello from Murano!

Watched a glass master's demonstration for 2 euros each and it was worth it! I'd been fretting about how we would get to watch a glass blower in action since we didn't do a tour but came by public transport…and it turned out I needn't had worried after all haha.

Blowing air to elongate the glass…he was making a flask!

Here's the end product!

Then he went on to make a glass horse. The host told us that apparently making a horse is the first test of whether you're qualified enough to become a glass master. It really took a lot of skill working with something at 1000 degrees! It is so hot that even when paper touches it, it catches fire 😦

The glass museum we visited! No idea about directions, cos we basically just wandered and stumbled onto this 😂

Their finished glass pieces made in-house for visitors to purchase. Too expensive so we gave it a pass.

They made those chandeliers too 😦😦

Instagram wife behind the camera lol.

Pretty windows and houses everywhere on Murano.

Husband wants the boat for himself.

Classic public art piece in Murano as a testament to the island's reputation for famous glass blowing.

🙇 husband said : here they do blow jobs everyday leh


We were shopping for a glass jewellery piece (I wanted either a necklace or earring) and finally found this! So glad we didn't cave into the 7 or 10 Euro options we saw before this, which I liked but didn't love. I really love this pair – very Cinderella feel – and only for 3.5 euros!

Husband bought this for me and I wore it immediately haha too excited.

Life along the canals in Murano.

Thanks for a great time Murano!

At Burano! Hubby and I switched his jacket for my scarf lol

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