Should you buy ETFs or invest in stocks? For those who aren't familiar with the term, ETFs stand for exchange traded funds. They're basically a basket of companies that you…
Omg kicking myself in the foot right now for missing another winning stock. For those of you following me on the blog, remember how I posted my review previously of…
I haven't checked the stock market in about 2 weeks. At festive / busy seasons like these, I'm always reminded of how important it is for me to remain an…
While busy catching Pokemon all over Singapore (and Taiwan, where I first started playing the game when it launched last Saturday), I’ve also been thinking about how I could potentially…
Just because your broker tells you investing is simple (or maybe you’ve seen those online ads promoting an easy solution in the form of their investing courses…) doesn’t mean…
As an investor, some of the biggest frustrations we face are generally: Refusing to sell when our investment thesis changes – often holding on in “hopes” that things…
Screengrab from The Financial Times documentary Like many investors in Singapore, I pay attention and monitor the news surrounding the macro-economic sentiment that might affect the performance of our stock markets,…
Many of us were keeping an eye on OSIM when it was announced that there would be a trading halt to OSIM shares on the stock market since last Wednesday.…
Yesterday, Mothership posted a viral post focusing on SMRT’s huge gains in profits. At a preliminary glance, I immediately thought, “Wah, if this is true, then I better buy into the…
Many Singaporeans are attracted to the idea of dividend investing, especially as a way to generate passive income year-after-year with minimal effort.We typically refer to them as dividend investors. Many…