Pisa / Cinque Terre / Siena

We had the largest steak of our life yesterday! 😨 1kg steak Florentine but it was so so good!! #dayrefatties SGD 90 for this meal though so we're gonna eat budget from now on again haha.

Cinque Terre really quite pretty 😍 I still prefer the architecture in Venice though!

A church on the island that needed restoration. I'm still amazed by Florence's ability to restore their artwork and frescos.

Finally here at the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Everything inside is really slanted! It is amazing how this huge building of heavy marble hasn't collapsed ever.

Acting as though I'm the one pushing it to lean, lol.

We saw the most beautiful sunset ever while travelling down the road of Tuscany! Now I can understand why "Under the Tuscan Sun" was made 😍 this photo does it no justice cos we were in the bus, but it was a full 10 min of basking in the glorious evening glow light.

Siena Square, where the horses race. Shi Yun, thought of you when we took this photo!

There was this super adorable French toddler in our tour group. I kept referring to him as "the toot toot boy" (cos his specs quite nerdy) and told hubby that I wanna make my future kid wear such bookworm glasses too.

"every Saturday 10am to 2pm shall be reading time!" I declared.

My hubby gave me a look of horror. He doesn't quite know how to appreciate books 😑

Not quite sure what these flowers are called but we took a photo cos it reminded me of the cherry blossoms I hiked up Yang Ming Shan in Taiwan for!

Absolutely gorgeous pathway at San Gimignano.

These beautiful purple blooms were everywhere. #dayreflorists anyone knows the name?

Saw folks skydiving in the Chianti area! Would you guys ever do it? I don't know if I have the guts to stomach such a daredevil act…

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