My Skincare Journey


Omg so many of you camping already! ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ง

To answer your questions first and a few others I can think of:

– Yes it is on a first come first serve basis, if you can pick it up at the designated time slot (5th May evening, Ion Orchard). Leave a comment below to "chope", only if you can make it for the pick up! (No alternative meet-up available sorry!)

– Limited quantities available (checking how many I have!)

– Freshly produced and packed in March 2017 and expires December 2017

For those who have been waiting for the giveaway, sorry I just managed to reach home and do stock count for this!

We were "sponsored" by Blended for our wedding in the form of these gorgeous ombre wedding favours! They're bath salts for a super pampering experience.

(ok technically not really sponsored since I just told the team I want and took from our supplies 250 bottles LOL. But investment money also partially mine so same same la hor)

It is similar to how Lush bath bombs work, just that the ingredients here are completely organic and 100% natural, in line with Blended's product philosophy!

Perfect for a staycation to nourish and pamper. Very relaxing too!

For those without a staycation planned anytime soon nor a bathtub at home, you can use it like how my MIL uses it : foot soak! She dumps it in a tub and soaks her feet while watching her TV ๐Ÿ“บ LOL

OMG so fast y'all chope! Veh funny hahaha ๐Ÿ˜˜ but wait ah, can check back again in the evening / night? Cos errrrr I can't find where we kept them to stock count! Maybe it got moved while I was away on honeymoon so waiting for a response now.


I've put a comment below where the cut-off point is because all your responses are so overwhelming?!? We may only have 20 or max. 40 stocks for this giveaway so I'm pretty sure with 78 comments they're all taken up already!

Will take stock tonight if how many we have after I finish work and tag you in the comments if you've successfully gotten it!

I have 19 of these leftover from my wedding, and they were freshly manufactured and packed just a few weeks ago! Expires December 2017 cos no preservatives added at all.

I'll tag you guys in the comment later as to who got it k! First come first serve.

My Skincare Journey

With the majority of EPs being thought leaders on #dayrebeauty and #dayremakeup, I've always wondered, what about the rest of us who just aren't blessed with good looks or good skin?

Growing up as a kid, I never had good skin, and I still don't, up till today. My skin is ultra sensitive, oily and extremely prone to acne and breakouts.

Add in our hot and humid climate and you basically get a recipe for disaster.

I see all the EPs posting here on Dayre and really envy their good skin!? Each time they talk about #fotd or #motd or issues like clogged pores / bumps, I'm just thinking I've got way bigger issues in the form of REAL PIMPLES AND RED BUMPS.

I probably can never be a beauty blogger because mine is nowhere that perfect. Ever tried putting makeup over pimples?

I end up looking like this lor. Not to mention makeup makes bad skin even worse.

Which is why to me, I'm more obsessed about first fixing my skin, and I always try to put on minimal makeup. In fact I go out 9 out of 10 times without makeup (just my eyes and lips if I have time) so that my skin can breathe.

Having struggled with acne ever since I hit puberty at 11, I learnt that people can be very unkind when it comes to treating people who just don't have flawless skin like everyone else, especially among young children who have not learnt yet how to be tactful.

๐Ÿ™Ž: "Why your skin like that?! You look damn ugly!"

๐Ÿ™…: "Eeeee I don't want to sit next to her! Later she spread her pimples to me how?!?"

Try growing up with classmates like that, who taunt you for how you look every single day.

My self-confidence took a serious hit and I was emotionally traumatized while growing up, always questioning why my skin wasn't as good as everyone else's.

I was so desperate – I tried everything you could possibly think of. Back then, the Internet wasn't yet a big thing, so most of my time was spent in the library, where I was furiously reading medical books on skin, Bobbi Brown's beauty and makeup guides at a tender age of 12 (yes, 12!), home remedies and other "sure-work solutions".

I even took nutritional supplements like Vitamin A and C, and even zinc that was supposed to help. My skin didn't get any better. The pimples kept coming.

When it came to facial products, I listened to everything and everyone – my mother, my aunts, the salesgirl at the pharmacy…and anyone who claimed they knew something that would cure my condition. Nothing did.

#myacnebattle for those of you who wanna join in!

This photos shows some of the acne products I tried (and that's not all!). From Avene to Clinque to Oxy to Clearasil to Biotherm to Cetaphil to Sebamed…I've tried almost all of them.

I even went for facials, gritting my teeth and crying as beautician after beautician squeezed my pimples and clogged pores, saying that it would make my skin better. Anything just to get rid of these damned pimples! But they didn't go away.

Guess what I learnt after trying so many different brands and products?

There was NO quick fix.


It was terrible. I've tried all sorts of chemicals that were supposed to work on acne – benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, triclosan, azelaic acid, hydrocortisone, tetracycline, retinoids, etc – but my skin didn't improve at all. In fact, it only got worse.

By the time I hit junior college, my acne skyrocketed. Then there came a horrendous period where my face was so bad that my skin had multiple itchy and raised bumps with a clear, yellowish liquid coming out of my pores. IT WAS GROSS. I had to permanently arm myself with tissues and dab at my face every few seconds. Looking back, I don't even know how my friends managed to still sit next to me without being grossed out.

It got so bad that I had to finally admit that nothing was working, so I finally decided to stop all my self-treatments and see a doctor. I was prescribed oral medication of Acnotin (costing $2 a pill) and Suprim (a type of antibiotic for acne), as well as a light pH 5.5 cleanser that was alkaline and soap-free.

After a year on the medication, my acne started clearing up. But I was heavily reliant on those Acnotin pills – each time I stopped taking them, the pimples would come back ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Finally, at the age of 18, I read online about other people's testimonials on how organic skincare products cured their acne (and other skin problems) for good. In ancient years, mankind didn't have all these laboratory-produced chemical skincare, yet many women could maintain their clear skin…surely there must be a solution in Mother Nature. So I decided to give organic skincare a shot. Why not? My skin was already bad enough, surely nothing could make it worse.

Ever since I switched my skincare regime to include as many organic products as possible, I've been able to get rid of my reliance on oral acne medication. Today, it has been over 4 years since I last took Acnotin, and I've been largely acne-free ever since.

Look at how horrible my skin used to be. Some of my friends who knew me from high school are here on Dayre, and I bet they still remember when I looked this way. The fact that they're still my friends today says a lot man, because hardly anyone wanted to be friends with the ugly, pimply girl in high school and JC.

It has been 15 years since I started battling acne, and boy, what an arduous and emotionally tiring journey.

But at the same time, I give thanks because I feel that being an acne sufferer and victim myself helped me to become a stronger and more empathetic person. Otherwise, I can totally imagine myself being one of those snarky bitches who look down on women with pimples / acne because they're "dirty" / "must be never take care of their face".

That is soooooooooo far from the truth.

People who get pimples (more than usual) are NOT dirty or lazy.

A lot of acne comes down to hormones as well, and even genes I believe, although the science on that still isn't conclusive.

My entire family has a history of bad skin. I've seen families where everyone has clear skin effortlessly. Good for them, sad for me.

Waking up to a clear skin free from pimples? What so many girls take for granted when they get out of bed each day, is a dream for many of us acne sufferers. Being able to happily try so many new beauty products? We can't risk that.

After 10 years of battling acne, I'm glad to say I'm a survivor.

Today, I no longer have to rely on Acnotin pills daily just so I can go out and face the world.

I don't think I've "won" the battle. I still get about 1 to 4 pimples a month, usually around the time when my period is due, or when I'm particularly stressed. But that's nothing compared to my years of having over 20+ pimples on my face on any given day.

So because of my own journey and experience, I swear by the organic skincare which saved my life after meds (now known as Blended). I don't know if it'll work for everyone, but from various beauty bloggers around the world (esp in the US), the results of organic skincare on our skin are compelling.

What I learnt from this skincare ordeal

1. Most drugstore products did not work for me. They only dried my skin out or made me break out even more.

2. Only medication and a disciplined organic skincare regime saved me.

3. Cream-based moisturisers would break me out. I could only use gel-based ones.

4. Good hygiene habits, like not touching my face with my hands / cell phone, changing my pillowcase often and NOT wearing foundation or any face makeup when I work out, are essential.

I love trying out new beauty products and used to be so obsessed about it! I remember there was once I got super excited about a local organic skincare range (not gonna name the brand or seller here) and happily bought FIVE products to try. One of them caused a CHEMICAL BURN on my cheeks and in the end I had to see a doctor to get medicated cream for it. So, never again. I prefer to stick to tried-and-tested products now. My skin is too temperamental. Like a bitch I'm stuck with forever lol.

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