Grateful That You Guys Like My Work

Hey guys,

Work has been a bit crazy recently so I haven’t had much time to finish up my next post (on a huge secret for savings that apparently not many Singaporeans know about yet), sorry about that! 

On a sidenote though, I just found out today that my blog has made it to the finals of the Singapore Blog Awards 2015 for “Best New Blog” and “Best Individual Blog”. Not too long ago, I received an email from OMY saying I had been nominated for this awards. Now, I’m not a pretty beauty/lifestyle blogger, so this took me by surprise. But to be nominated? I’m really thankful that some of you value the work I’m doing here to even think me deserving of the awards.

As most of my friends know, I started this blog in December last year solely as a personal diary for myself – sort of like my own Guide To Life – to keep a reminder of the tips I want myself to always remember in life. It all started with me complaining to my boyfriend about how much I missed writing, and a day later, this blog was born. I honestly never expected this to spread, and seeing you guys sharing about stuff I’ve written adds that little dash of happiness at the end of my work day.

My work (and dance) responsibilities have been increasing, so sometimes it is tough to put aside the 3 hours I take to write (and verify facts before I share about them) in a proper post. But I feel it is important to keep this blog going, because everywhere I look I see people falling prey to peer pressure and the lies marketers feed us. Honestly, even I fall prey occasionally to some of these marketing gimmicks myself too! Tell me you haven’t bought a product at some pretty blogger’s recommendation before, only to find that it didn’t work.

The organisers probably wants someone pretty for their winner, so they can do some huge ad on a newspaper or something to announce and attract more people. The beauty and lifestyle bloggers probably also have a lot more readers than I do who will log in everyday just to help them vote (just like how fans vote at the Star Awards). So, I really don’t have much hopes of winning the competition. But if I do, it’ll be a huge affirmation that you guys really appreciate and like what I’m doing. 

If you want to help, here’s how:

Step 1: VIsit

Step 2: Search “Budget Babe” and vote

Step 3: You can vote once a day until 6 July 2015

If you really like what I’m writing and could share this on your newsfeed to get your friends to vote for me too, that would really mean a lot to me.

Other financial bloggers who have gotten into the finals are Xeolyenomics and Cheerful Egg – they’re my friends too so if you can extend part of your top 10 choices to them, that’ll be great. Xeo creates financial games for a living and Lionel writes about index investing (I don’t do index investing but it can be a good tool if it fits your investing style.)

In the meantime, I really ought to get back to finishing up that draft.

Always yours,
Budget Babe

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