Make Your CPF Nomination and LPA Today So That Your Loved Ones Won’t Be Burdened

Given the uncertainty of tomorrow, it’s crucial that we proactively devise a plan to manage our assets. By doing so early, we ensure that our loved ones can support us should we face challenges and that they will be provided for in the event of our absence. Here’s my experience on drafting a will, making a CPF nomination and a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), and how you can do yours too.
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A Better Way To Manage Your Family Finances – Autumn App Review

Taking care of your finances – and that of your family’s – should be simple. However, having to track everything across multiple Excel sheets and apps doesn’t make it any easier, especially when you’re trying to keep your eye on the big picture. And if you’re both a mother AND the designated CFO in your household…it can be almost impossible to keep up. With the Autumn app, there may be hope on the horizon.
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