The Money-Happiness Parable An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat…
I devoured information and learning skills related to investing from a wide variety of sources when I started out. It helps that I can read faster than the average reader…
Been getting a few emails from readers regarding how I pick my stocks so I thought I'd share that today! Background : I'm more of a value + growth trader.…
If you think financial education is expensive, try financial ignorance instead.Two notable investment schemes were in the news last week for all the wrong reasons, and they both had eerily…
Rickmers Maritime has officially fallen. I warned readers last year who asked me if this high dividend yielding stock could be good. My answer was a hard one for many…
Hubby woke me up this morning just so he can spend a long time chilling over breakfast! This is our favourite hotel in Italy because it is the only one…
Do women make better investors than men? What “special” feminine traits or instincts might we have that could potentially give us an advantage over our male counterparts? While investing success…
Hi Dayre! So I'm a bit bummed because I was invited to speak again at SGX, this time at a conference organised by finance website The New Savvy. The topic…
5% dividend yield sounds pretty juicy? I wasn't really intending to cover this but a few readers emailed me about it so I thought I'll do a quick analysis here!…
A friend shared this – quotes from my favourite investing legend! My value investing mantra is very much influenced by the style of Warren Buffett. Buy value companies and avoid…