Burano / Italy Day 3!

If only we had sights like these everyday in Singapore.

Hubby doing a funny pose ๐Ÿ˜‚ this greeted us the moment we stepped off the pier onto Burano

HELLO BURANO. I kept telling hubby he fits in like an Italian after wearing my scarf ๐Ÿ˜‚

Pretty houses

Ate at the pier after googling for cheap recommendations online. But this wasn't really cheap by Singapore standards… Paid 26.50 euros for this, which is about $39 Sing?!? ๐Ÿ˜จ

Such pretty colourful houses!!!!

Because the residents here are really passionate about the upkeep! We spotted an Italian owner come out to paint over a white streak left behind recently from bird shit.

The coloured houses are also regulated by the government LOL.
Now you know why the houses are so vibrant!!

Hubby was saying, hey what if we painted our house these colours too?

๐Ÿ˜• later like children's room how?

We roamed off the normal path to explore the quiet surroundings of the locals going about their daily lives and even spotted some rowers. Walked all the way to the next island of Mazzorbo.

So pretty ๐Ÿ˜

Mistakes we made

Before we came, the weather forecast predicted 21 to 23 degrees so we were thinking, oh that's nice, sweater weather! Packed our clothes accordingly with only one sweater each.

Now that we're here, the temperature has dropped to 15 deg and even as low as 10 at night! Shivering everywhere now…we might just buy an extra Made in Italy coat here lol. #Venice

We also bought the 24 hour vaporetto tickets, but realised now that we should have paid an extra 10 Euro for the 48 hour ticket instead. Now we're rushing for our last ride before our tickets expire at 11.30am!

Suggestions on where to go in Venice?

We've done Murano, Burano, the Rialto Bridge, and heading to St. Mark Square later for the three major tourist sights.

Was thinking of visiting the art galleries but no idea whether it is free?? #dayretravels #dayretravel

Also, should we ride the gondola?!? It is 80 euros for just 35 minutes and my wallet is crying ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Gondola Ride

We took the gondola ride in the end! Bargained down to 70 euros for a 25 minute ride, and our guide literally needed to be prompted by questions most of the time before we got information out of him lol.

Well, at least we got to enjoy the evening sun and ride down the small canals!

We tried to look for the 2 Euro traghetti but couldn't find any along the Grand Canal. Read online that they're fast disappearing, so maybe that's the reason why?

Our guide told us houses here are 1 to 2 million euros, whereas he stays outside the mainland in an apartment for just 250k. What a big difference!

The gondolas cost 70k euros for them to purchase, and he earns about 15k euros a month from rowing ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

70 euros for us to enjoy this view lol.

Hubby bought me an Italian coat for 10 euros cos I was reallllllly cold, and then asked me to model it cos it was so stylish LOL nice or not! Model fail ๐Ÿ˜…

We found a way to have our dinners for cheap!

๐Ÿ• $2.50 pizza slice, freshly toasted from the pizza shop downstairs.
๐Ÿž$1.71 cheese from the supermarket, Coop
๐ŸŒฟ$1.99 salad from Coop
๐Ÿ—$2.99 pharma ham from Coop
๐Ÿ“$2.16 fresh giant strawberries from the wet market (good for 2 days)
๐Ÿท$0 Red wine courtesy of our B&B host

That's protein, carbs, cheese, fruits and vegetables paired with wine in a single meal for under 10 euros!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Not to mention it is really romantic and yummy too! I kept grinning at hubby throughout the meal cos I was so happy haha.

Simple and cheap meals are the best!

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