Beauty and the Beast / Disney Memes

Beauty and the Beast was SPLENDID.

I'm not always the biggest fan of remakes, especially when the original film is a CLASSIC, but Disney has really outdone themselves this time.

Lai lai go watch it y'all and support my Disney stock πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

For those of you who loved the original (like me), you'll love this one too because there are many parts that are kept "same same but different!"

You'll have to compare them side by side in order to pick up on most of the subtle differences. I didn't even pick it up until I watched YouTube clips doing that haha.

There's also enough new tidbits of information to keep you going: the 2017 version tells you what actually happened to Belle's mom!!!

Not gonna spoil it here for y'all…GO WATCH!

As a dancer, I also really really liked all the choreographed dance portions. I thought the cast did really well in picking up the choreography so fast given that they aren't dancers!

Dan Stevens did the waltz in STILTS can you imagine 😨😨😨

Show y'all some of my favourite Disney memes to lighten up this rainy Monday…

HAHAHAHAHA this one too cruel. So I guess there won't be a Part 2?

She only likes Chip!!

Actually I can't really remember this scene leh does anyone know which part this is from?

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ never realised it until now!

Other Disney shows now:


Men will always be men.

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. Back in secondary school whenever I had a sore throat I would carry a post it pad around with me to talk to my friends via scribbling..

100001th time seeing this joke but it still gets me every time.

I remember this!!!

I always wondered the same.

Cinderella on her bench when her fairy godmother found her.


The fork as a comb idea was actually pretty smart.

He touched her boob.

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