what went on last week

Went for a ballet class with NYC Ballet soloist Unity Phelan! She moves with such grace, fluidity and strength all at the same time…the kind I wished I had.

(class #sponsored by Puma)

But when we had a choice between ballet vs. abacus class while I was a child…my mom sent me for abacus class instead, insisting that it'll be more useful for my future ๐Ÿ˜‘ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Puma gifted me this gorgeous pair of ballet-inspired sneakers! I LOVE IT omg I've actually been eyeing this for a while now ever since I saw it online ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ this must be fate la omg I'm so happy ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Amidst last week, I also finally met up with my student in The New Savvy female empowerment program. Basically TNS matched some influencers and business thought leaders with financial "experts" (bloggers) to mentor them and help them achieve their financial goals. I probably got one of the toughest assignments tbh, cos my "student" wants to be able to invest by herself by the end of this journey ๐Ÿ˜ฉ but with her enthusiasm I think we can do this!! ๐Ÿ’ช

I gave her an entire crash course covering fixed deposits, government bonds, corporate bonds, equities, value stocks, dividend stocks, growth stocks and even cryptocurrencies…with plenty of homework to do as well! Let's see how she fares when we catch up again next month for lesson #2 ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚

Also gave another talk with CPF Board (with updated statistics and hacks) where I met quite a few Dayreans, thanks for taking the time to come down and I hope you found the CPF hacks I shared useful!

I got SO MANY questions from the crowd about how to pick up investment skills and knowledge, so I ended up repeating my answers multiple times lololol cos everyone asked me one by one. Since that was the most repeated question from that day, thought I'd share what I told them here:

Where to pick up investment skills and knowledge?

A: books and investment courses, followed by blogs to keep on track / keep your mind sharp and tap on other people's analysis

Q: what books would I recommend?
A: I've an article consolidating over 20+ books ranked from beginner to advanced, you'll find it on the blog

Q: what courses would I recommend?
A: I've gone for / know people who have gone for / seen the notes of most of the major investing course programs in Singapore. There are only three that Budget Babe personally recommends and endorses (anyone who claims otherwise is lying!!!), and that's

1. Dividend Machines by The Fifth Person (I've signed up since 2015 and have lifetime access hehe)

2. Investment Quadrant by The Fifth Person (which I shared last year, not open this year yet and pending discussion as I've asked them for a reader discount)

3. Factors Based Investing by Dr Wealth (upgrade of their course which I reviewed last year)

For Dividend Machines, there's a reader promo this year so you can get it for just USD 299 (reader discount of USD 100 off original retail price of USD 399) and you can read the review on my recent blog article, titled "What You Must Know Before Investing in Dividend Stocks".

There's a whole bunch of goodies (aside from lifetime access and a free physical bonus workshop) with sign up so don't forget to check it out before registration closes on 18 March 2018! If you miss this, you'll have to wait another year before it opens again, and it'll definitely be more expensive cos price goes up every year.

If you compare this to the usual $3000 – $4000+ other course providers are charging for just a ONE-TIME course, this is super worth it please.

Quick reminder that the $10+ discount promo for Viu Premium (SG Budget Babe readers only) expires tomorrow!


I'm FINALLY done watching Innocent Defendant, omg it was so good?!? The script, the thrill of the entire chase to discover the truth, and the child actress playing Ha Yeon had such emotional depth to her expressions ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜

Viu also recently added JTBC to their content, which means they now carry shows from Korea's major broadcasters KBS, MBS, SBS, CJ and now JTBC!

I've already finished "Lady in Dignity" and that was pretty funny, am gonna check out "Misty" next cos the premise of a husband trying to save his wife (who's involved in a murder case) while saving their rocky marriage sounds intriguing hmm.

About $5 / month (or just $1.30/month per person if you share) for Viu Premium is super worth it la omg. The SGBB15 promo code expires TOMORROW so don't forget!

(disclaimer: the Viu team gave me a year access to Viu Premium to try and review since last year, but it's so worth it that I've mentioned on multiple occasions I'll be paying to renew my subscription even if they don't sponsor me for next year)

Oh, I almost forgot to post this! We also had dinner with SGX and here's a picture of their CEO speaking to us haha.

I'll be giving a talk with SGX who's running an event for Millennials next month so do look out for that! (it'll be free to attend!)

#saveDayre updates

Honestly I don't think I'm in the best position to update on the entire nego process because the management team knows the situation better, but I don't know why they're not keeping you guys in the loop cos I'm getting so many PMs on Instagram asking me about what's going on! So here's a quick update!

๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Bids have been made by the buyers I linked up to Desmond, so they're now negotiating and it'll probably take time. ๐Ÿ•’

One of the earlier investors (who dropped out after hearing the price Netccentric was asking for, remember?) also came back to me recently asking if we'll be willing to build a new app instead as a better alternative. This is also something many of you have asked me here on Dayre.

The answer is pretty clear – if I can just facilitate a buyout to a relevant buyer whom I know can sustain and run this app, then that'll be the preferred solution cos it's easier to takeover than to recreate.

But yes, we do have a backup plan. I promised you guys I'll not let Dayre die and I intend to keep that promise (u****e ___________ if you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜’)

So let's see how things go! Will keep you guys updated here when there's further developments!

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