Yay now that we know better the differences between frugal and cheapo folks, let's see what are examples of cheap actions from the hilarious archives of #Carouhell!

Cheapo Carouhell #1

Omg one of my readers @/carrietan has a super hilarious post yesterday on cheapo people she encounters while trying to sell her branded bags!

I'm not sure if she minds me putting screenshots so I'll just describe here. The funniest one was the buyer who tried to nego Carrie's $500 bag down, justifying that it is cos she'll need another $600 to restore it!

SERIOUSLY WHO YOU KIDDING HAHAHAHA $1.1k you can get so many other BN branded bags on Carousell pls πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ joker.

Really #carouhell to the max omg (nowadays I don't even bother replying lowballers on my account). You waste so much time answering their questions or negotiating and then they still don't end up buying from you in the end. Tskkk.

(Wah got so many people favouriting my post from yesterday on the difference between being frugal and a cheapo?! 😳 I'm so glad more people are aware of it now! Perhaps this will stop the unnecessary insults of cheapos from now)

Cheapo Carouhell #2

Screengrab from @carrietan. Thanks for letting me share babe!

If you don't think $4250 is worth your money for this bag, then just go buy something or somewhere else? πŸ˜‘



πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ go buy another bag if you can't afford / don't wanna spend the money on this already discounted piece la

Not enough money? Here are some other options, go buy a nice $18 maxi from H&M or F21 la. DnD got say you must wear angelababy design meh?

Why should the seller care if you have just $5? Who are you to him? Plus this isn't a charity so maybe just go find another bag elsewhere for $5? Flea markets got a few! πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Carrie requested for me to share some of my own so here goes! Tried to sell off my BN branded bag for $300 and this person offered $100.

No thanks! Bye!! Have fun finding a bag from this brand with your $100 budget, but it won't be on my watch.

This bag was all the rage back then and I got it on a folly so I received quite a lot of enquiries on it! But 90% of them were lowballers?!? πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

This was on a $50 table someone posted. Damn funny this excuse?!? Donate your $20 straight to charity la miss we don't want your money.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you can get at $142 then you wanna buy for $280? Who believe sia.

Actually the seller's response very full of win, I like haha.

HAHA ok this one win! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ not even being a lowballer, let's get a stranger to gimme for free so I can save $5!!!

Come I clap hand for you. someone give him an award for being so cheapo please


OK I wasted like an hour of my time browsing Carouhell HAHA ending off here!

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