GOBLIN has come to an end 😭😭

Goblin has come to an end! πŸ’–πŸ’”

I was literally on tenterhooks all day because I wanted so badly to watch the final 2 episodes, but couldn't until all my tuitions were done for the day.

Facebook wasn't helping because there were people posting spoilers ARGHHHHH.

This K drama was such a delight to follow because it was by my favourite work power pair: director Lee Eung-bok and writer Kim Eun-sook!

Writer Kim Eun-sook is amazing. Her lines and realms of imagination is a delight to watch. Seeing her recreate a brand new world for the viewers to immerse in is extremely delightful, and I savoured every moment of this ride.

Ahhhhh how I wish I had a chance to work under her and see how her brain functions when she writes! Along with J K Rowling and more!

I absolutely loved her work in a Descendants of the Sun (imo, the lines for that was muchhhh better than Goblin too), but didn't like all the loopholes in her last 2 episodes, which I critiqued on the blog. You can google using my blog search bar if you wanna read it! #kdrama

Oops. Haha sorry but I really couldn't overlook the plot holes!!!!!


This was my conversation with the fiancΓ© after I had just knocked off work.

N: hey where are you now, wanna go out? I just finished work

Me: errrrrrrrrrr I wanna go home to watch #Goblin leh.

N: huh?!?

Me: sorry!! I literally been on my toes the whole day waiting to knock off so I can watch the ending!!

N: πŸ˜’

Oops. Hehe. Can't leave a good story hanging!!

The cinematography was just BEAUTIFUL. I swear, it is harder to come up and design shots like this (at least for me!). I can still remember all the edits and messed up takes we had during our filming for a SIMPLE 3 min music video!!

This drama is about 75 minutes long for each episode, making it over 20 hours. That's a LOT of filming, editing, set and shots design!!!

Angling this shot so perfectly.

I bet this is edited for colouring, but still! Look at the grandeur of this shot!

Great angles and close-ups to bring out the sombre mood.

Having studied film during my university modules, I can really appreciate all the hard work that has gone behind the scenes to create any (especially this!) drama.

When we watch, the events follow a chronological timeline of sorts. But when the actors film it, that isn't so.

For instance, Gong Yoo and Kim Go Eun definitely filmed the beginning and end parts at the same time period while they were in Canada. That lovely reunion scene filled with longing in both their eyes?

Ah, look at that use of sun rays again. This moment was he realises he's in love is possibly one of the most memorable cinematographic shots for me.

Imagine portraying that when you're barely 30% into the script, and still shy around your new co-actor or actress. Although I did some acting stints as a child, they were always in chronological order with proper story development! Film and TV, however, doesn't quite work that way.


I'm a bit late to the game but I only noticed Gong Yoo when he acted in Train to Busan. Never knew who he was prior to that πŸ˜…

Btw if you guys haven't seen Train to Busan yet, you MUST catch it! I think I rewatched it three times over?!? I remember leaving the theatre being so awed by how amazing the storyline was, as well as the acting of the main cast (except the young baseball couple who were so-so only…).

When I rewatched it a second time online without any subtitle, I was surprised to realise that I could still understand the gist of what they were speaking even though I don't know a single word of Korean.

Fear, anger, desperation… You don't need words for them when you can see them on the actors faces, and that was how good the acting was on Train to Busan! The child actress was a gem too. So please go watch it if you haven't already!

This was my FAVOURITE SCENE from the entire drama. I couldn't stop laughing while watching Goblin scream in fright over Train to Busan when IT IS HIM IN THE MOVIE LOLOLOLOLOL.

The spring onion scene comes a close second. Laughed like crazy over that too hahaha!

Those eyes, and who was the genius behind this angle?!?

Look at those angles and colouring!!! AHHH!

I swear, colours REALLY make a huge difference. Warm tones vs cool tones, yellow vs blue hues, etc. I only studied a portion of it during university but it was already more than enough to boggle me! Clearly I'm not very visually inclined πŸ˜… should just stick to my words lol.

I thought the ending was a perfect wrap-up to her fantasy story of the goblin and his bride, and particularly loved how it left enough up to our imagination as to how the rest of his life with Eun Tak will be like.

Sure, there's a lot of waiting and pain involved, but isn't waiting made more bearable when there's something worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes?

The sacrifice was also really unexpected. I hated it, but it really added a lot more depth to her character. Bittersweet.


😱 EP 1 vs EP 16

Was celebrating N's cousin's 21st birthday yesterday (also my ex student lol) and all the daughter-in-laws were sitting in one row discussing and analysing the latest episode of Goblin.

A then said, I'm watching because Gong Yoo looks like my husband (D)!

I said that's the reason why I watch Chinese dramas with Hu Ge in it, because he looks like N πŸ˜…

A: no la N looks more like Utt! The MTV vj

C: how come all your husbands look like celebrities except mine!

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ super funny! I love this family.

I NEED A NEW K DRAMA TO WATCH NOW. Been recommended Legend of the Blue Sea and Weightlifting Fairy but I only have time to follow one series! Which one should I pick!!!

No for Scarlett Heart Ryeo because I watched the original China version and remakes never quite make the cut for me πŸ˜•

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