Took a break from Dayre for the past 2 weeks because I needed time to get my emotions in control and get used to what the future might be for D and I.

CNY this year was a sobering affair and it broke my heart whenever I saw D cry whenever he talked about his family and the lack of support he was getting from his loved ones.

I accompanied him to the doctor last week as well and there's just so much medications to take?!? The cost isn't cheap too, but you can't put a price on a life…

Praying that we'll still have a good few years together. God, please be kind to us, be kind to D. He's been through so much throughout his life and it really is too early if you want to take him so soon. Please give him more time here!

Anyway, on a brighter note, although I've been absent from Dayre for some time, I did update the blog with a few posts in the meantime and there's some useful stuff about how you can fund all your future angpaos after you get married, without you having to fork out a single cent!

Omg sorry everyone who has been camping 😓

D suddenly got hospitalised again. So I literally JUST got home, with 2 minutes left to midnight, from visiting him at the hospital and bringing what he needed over to him.

He lost even more weight from the last time I saw him.

Please, let him just be well already.

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