In my first job after graduation and where I stayed for a year, it involved a lot of client-facing meetings and formal events where we had to obviously dress up and look good.

My manager told me something then that I will never forget:

"You must INVEST in branded stuff so that you look good! If not, how are you going to impress your clients, much less win them over?"

She would stroll into office every day in sky-high heels, false long eyelashes, tight-fit clothes and a face immaculately groomed with makeup. I always wondered how she did it.

I never quite understand how some ladies can walk in high heels and still look so good. When I see all those #ootd on Instagram by popular influencers in stilettos, I'm like 😰😱😱😳 HOW?!? Not pain meh?!?

I like my flats, thank you very much. Or the occasional wedges and thick heels are fine too. But certainly not everyday

Furthermore, how is investing in branded goods technically investing?!? The value of your branded items goes down drastically after you own or use it. They're a depreciating asset, and I might as well channel the money elsewhere into bonds or ETFs that actually grow my capital for me? #dayreinvest

"We spend money we don't have, to impress people we don't like"

I remember a funny conversation I once had with a university schoolmate while using the restroom in between our lessons.

πŸ™Ž: "How much is your outfit? Why do you always look like a million bucks when you come to school"

πŸ™†πŸ» (me): really? You think so? Aww thanks! My hair accessory is $5, my top is $10, and my pants are only $12.

Needless to say, I ruined the otherwise idealised impression she had of me, and she never quite saw me the same way again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

But it is true! I really don't see the need to spend so much money on temporary items like clothes and makeup when there are so many good choices out there for a lower price.

You know during that period when blogshops were all the rage, and girls would camp at their computers waiting for the clock to strike 8pm or so when a new launch was out? The pieces often sold out within minutes too.

I used to be one of them. But after buying 3 blogshop pieces, I stopped.

Most of the clothes didn't fit me well, and $30+ for a piece of clothing was a huge chunk of my meagre $40 a week pocket money. I had to face the fact that I couldn't afford it.

So I turned to places like This Fashion (omg anyone still remember that chain?) where I could get clothes for between $4 to $15 during their sales. I even got a prom dress for only $28 once, although I ended up using it for a party instead of my actual prom.

You CAN look good for cheap! And I don't see why we need to feel ashamed of it.

My favourite cheap thrill is when people tell me one of my outfits look good and I get to reply, "Oh this? It cost me only $5" πŸ’πŸ»

Auntie ttm. But what's wrong?!? People can judge me for all they want, but at least I'm the one saving money and still looking decent, if not good.

N loves me for this. I came across the pic below and shared it on my Facebook, and he said that's one of the traits he loves in me. HAHAHA

Contrary to what most people think, buying cheap clothes doesn't necessarily means you look cheap.

You don't have to spend a bomb to look good! Seriously. If you asked me, I think #taobao greatest contribution to society is not in its cheap items, but in proving to the world that you can still buy pretty things and look like a million bucks for very little money.

I have a lot of dresses that are between $5 to $10. Some I bought off Carousell, some from flea markets, others from Refash.

It is not called cheapo okay it is called being SMART teehee.

Shared this with my photographer buddy and N after seeing it on Facebook! Super hilarious! Anyone here tried it out yet? I feel like attempting this during our prewed shoot πŸ˜‚

This one also full of win πŸ˜³πŸ‘πŸ»

Literally steamy hot. Can't stop laughing!

Now we know how restaurants make their photos look so good! HAHAHAHA

This is super pretty too! Omg #dayrebrides should I do this or should I stick to a messy bun? #toughdecisions !

Saving this here as another makeup inspo for my prewedding photoshoot next month. I really adore the whole flowers in the hair style!

Just finished my work performance appraisal with my boss, phew!

It was quite funny because we were talking about a current client I'm handling – a super renowned luxury brand – and joking that I should ask for payment in barter. I said that I don't actually appreciate branded stuff all that much – the only branded good I own is a Kate Spade wallet which I bought for $70 from one of those U.S. warehouse sales!

My boss response was 😢😨 "really? But you always look so good!"

πŸ’πŸ» I said thanks, that is my secret. Look expensive for very cheap πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Got a super heavy work burden off my back now so I can finally breathe easy again! 😎

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