Childhood dreams & #WeLiveSocial !

When I was young, I really wanted to become an author. I even created and "published" my own books, complete with illustrations back then!

Not many people know, but I also published a book once when I was 14. It was a novel about a girl finding strength to live on after her beloved brother (and her pillar of strength) passed away in an unfortunate accident.

Tough times don't last, but tough people do! So my story was about picking oneself up after a loss and finding inner strength to live on.

My best friend died on the operating table when I was 11, so writing the novel was almost like a form of therapy for me as well.

I never ended up becoming a full-time author because my parents opposed it, so being able to write to an audience of readers on my blog today really means a lot to me.

I'm so incredibly happy that you folks like my writing! It motivates me to keep writing and never stop dreaming.

Receiving emails from readers who tell me about how my blog has inspired them to save really makes my day!

Some of you even write to me to ask my advice on savings, investments or even the insurance policies that your agents are trying to sell you. I reply every single email with my thoughts, and really love how this whole social media world has enabled me to make a difference!

I used to be a very private person, so it takes me longer than most people to get used to sharing about my life online. Just ask my Facebook friends!

But today, I'm honestly just really thankful and feel super blessed to have social media in my life. Not only does it allow me to be an "author", it also has changed my life in so many ways!

If not for social media, I wouldn't have met so many great people who are now treasured friends!

How did you get started on investing?

I get asked that question a lot. Seriously, if not for my blog, I might never have started!

You can still see those comments today! Google "how to save 20000 in a year" to see the post that started my journey as Budget Babe, and the comments below that advised me to start investing!

My mentor also found me through my blog, and we are fast friends today who meet up to discuss stocks and also Pokemon Go HAHA!!

Thank you social media! So excited to see how the world is gonna change in the next few years with social media becoming an even bigger part of our lives!

Just got home from Netccentric's 10th anniversary party! So good to catch up with everyone after so long.

So glad to have caught up / met everyone again! Thanks @yeomabel @iamselheng @thechillmom @tayying_ @swimpsj @mongabong @yinagoh @audt01 @shortyminimad @gilliansng and all for such a wonderful night! I don't have everyone on Dayre so if I missed out anyone…<3

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