Got paid >$400 in August without doing anything!

Pretty happy now because I just computed my total dividends paid out for last month from my stock investments and it came up to over $400+!

August was probably my busiest month. Work left me with no time to invest or even research, so I didn't do anything at all.

Another achievement unlocked 🎉

My portfolio isn't as big as some of my older friends – B has over $400k in investments while I don't even have half of that in savings yet.

Will get there someday, soon!

Markets have rallied this week so I'm watching one of my counters closely, because I'm currently sitting on 40% gains for it!

Still contemplating whether to sell or to wait a little longer. Will give myself a week to decide.

Feels good to get paid without lifting a finger!

Bridal gowns

On another note, been also researching a lot about my gowns because I realised that I need to order them asap if we are still going ahead with our photoshoot in November.

Sat down with N previously after our engagement to discuss a realistic budget for our wedding, and he's really setting it tight!

With gown packages in Singapore between $1k to $2k, that's out of our budget. So I will be a #taobaobrides this time!

#diybride #f&nweds #taobaowedding

Searched for a few hours online but very few actually talked about their Taobao gown experience online! The only insight I gleaned was that made-to-measure gowns are our best bet, but I'm not sure which shops offer that and which ones don't…

#dayrebrides any help?

Dang I really regret not studying harder for Chinese back in school. Mummy, you were right!

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