SG Budget Babe is Singapore’s most popular and fastest-rising female financial lifestyle blogger. The website has received over 13 million visitors since starting in December 2014, and has also been awarded the world’s top 60 budget blogs and top female investing blogs for its valuable content contributions.
Perhaps best remembered as the 24-year-old who saved $20,000 in a year (upon starting her first full-time job, with a take-home pay of $2,000), Budget Babe likes to believe that her $20,000 goal has since inspired an entire nation of working adults to strive for the same and get their finances in order. But don’t take her word for it, check out what readers have to say about her instead:

Perhaps best loved for her no-nonsense and honest style of writing, readers look to her take on issues close to the Singaporean core : saving, clearing debts, insurance, investments, mortgage loans, housing, as well as other personal finance concerns. Her occasional reviews on what’s worth spending on are also popular among her many readers.
In The Media
Budget Babe has been featured on The Straits Times, Channel News Asia,, AsiaOne, Lianhe Wanbao, Cleo, The Women’s Weekly, 938 Live and more.

She is regularly interviewed for her expert opinion on mainstream news such as Channel News Asia, Channel 8, Channel 5, etc.
With over 13,000 daily subscribers, Budget Babe is also Nuffnang’s leading finance influencer.
Advertising Policy
Warning: I am extremely selective about sponsored posts and the products/services I promote to my readers.
I will only accept posts on products/services that I would personally use or would recommend to my closest friends and relatives. Thus, if I do not feel comfortable enough to put my brand behind something, then it doesn’t matter how much money you offer me to write about it – I just won’t.
The following non-negotiable criteria must be met:
- Full disclosure must be provided
- A holistic review of pros and cons will be covered.
- The product or service must be genuinely useful and of value to either myself or readers
I’ve rejected plenty of requests which did not fit the bill, or whose advertising briefs I thought were outrageous. (If you need statistics, approximately 7 out of every 10 requests for advertising or promotion gets declined.) We retain all rights to reject a request if we feel that your product/service is unsuitable.
Writing about a company’s product or services sounds like an obvious conflict of interest, but I feel incredibly fortunate that you readers trust me enough to read what I write each week, and I will never do anything to break that hard-earned trust over all these years.
When done right, these sponsored posts can be even more insightful than a typical article, because they give me direct access to the source i.e. the teams behind the companies that I’m writing about. I get to ask all the hard questions, validate the claims made, clarify technicalities and more.
I do not accept guest posts. This is a personal blog and hence all articles are written by me.
If you fall within the following categories, I also am NOT keen to work together:
- Money-lending services
- MLMs
- Weight loss pills
- “Cancer-curing” products that are sold only through a direct sales model
Please do not email me multiple times for such collaborations because my answer will simply be a flat no, regardless of how much money you offer me.
How to get in touch for collaborations
At the end of the day, every sponsored post has to be something that I’ll be willing to write about, even if I’m not being paid for it.
So if you’re confident that you have a good product or service, and you’re one of the rare marketers who are willing to abide by my ground rules above, I look forward to receiving your email.
P.S. If you can’t be bothered to find my name (it’s stated on this blog) and address your emails properly to me while asking for a collaboration or feature, then don’t expect me to be bothered about replying your email either.
Email : sgbudgetbarbie [at] gmail [dot] com