Brokerage fees (and what to consider when choosing a brokerage) Been getting requests from readers on which brokerage they should sign up with given the different fees, so I thought…
If you think investing in bonds are safe, think again. Sometimes when I'm sitting at Macs or Starbucks and there's an insurance agent (meeting their client) nearby my seat I'll…
Putting your money in Singapore Savings Bonds beats fixed deposits (FDs) hands down I'm not a fan of fixed deposits. #bbinvestments My grouses are mainly that they involve too much…
The recent Swiber bond debacle has sparked off a new debate as to whether the Singapore government should save “accredited investors” – individuals who have at least S$2 million in…
Is it safe to invest in bonds? Here's a quiz: which one of the following investments have the lowest risk? a) forex b) stocks c) bonds If you answered bonds,…
How should I invest if I’m a complete newbie? Received 2 emails from readers this week that really made my day. They’re both 23 year old, female, and fresh from…
Hitting $1 million for retirement A lot of my friends laugh at me when I tell them that I'm saving up for retirement. To many people my age, they prefer…
Rickmers Maritime note holders are not happy with their latest debt refinancing proposal, but they don’t really have much of a choice but to go along now, do they? In…
While busy catching Pokemon all over Singapore (and Taiwan, where I first started playing the game when it launched last Saturday), I’ve also been thinking about how I could potentially…
Just because your broker tells you investing is simple (or maybe you’ve seen those online ads promoting an easy solution in the form of their investing courses…) doesn’t mean…