Korean skincare has been so hyped up but I'm always wary because my skin is just so sensitive and prone to breakouts. My skin reacts really badly to a lot…
Taken from @/flrncx Dayre (I love her beauty tips!) Where to find investment ideas If the huge hype you see here on #dayrebeauty is anything to go by, that's a…
The Money-Happiness Parable An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat…
What will it take for people to understand that owing money on your credit card is no joking matter? #dayrefinance Yesterday, I spent a good 20 minutes trying to explain…
All OCBC credit card holders take note! Even the NTUC Visa is affected, from $60 to $100. Wow. Thanks OCBC, thanks. Remember what I said about banks not being your…
Interview basics in the corporate world 1. First impressions count The moment you walk through that door, you're gonna be judged, so better make your first impression count! This covers…
I devoured information and learning skills related to investing from a wide variety of sources when I started out. It helps that I can read faster than the average reader…
Been getting a few emails from readers regarding how I pick my stocks so I thought I'd share that today! Background : I'm more of a value + growth trader.…