If I were to believe what all the influencers on the #KrisFlyerUOB campaign said, I’d think the account and debit card is a wonderful deal. Except that it is not.…
Riddle: What’s the most expensive one-day affair in Singapore? If you guessed weddings, you got that right. With the costs of the average Singaporean wedding ranging from $40,000 – $70,000,…
For brides on a budget, there are a few ways you can save on your wedding gown while still getting a pretty awesome gown to wear or to keep. Option A:…
Getting your wedding gown(s) – Should you Taobao or rent locally?Being a Taobao bride can really help you to save a lot of money on your wedding outfits, accessories, decor,…
Between convenience and quality, which do you value more? Bridal PackagesIf you answered convenience, then bridal packages may be easier for you as they can offer a great deal of…
Do women make better investors than men? What “special” feminine traits or instincts might we have that could potentially give us an advantage over our male counterparts? While investing success…
Should couples spend on the pre-wedding shoot? Or is this an unwarranted expense?In the Western world, most brides wouldn’t dream of letting their groom see them in their wedding dress…
Starhub used to be a darling stock for most dividend investors. With a generous track record over a decade of paying out a relatively high dividend yield, its business is…