How I Save More With Fave 

You’ve seen the ubiquitous Fave QR code everywhere, from hawkers to retail shops all around Singapore. But let’s be real, how many of you actually know how and when to use the Fave app in order to maximise your savings? Here’s the guide you’ve been waiting for…don’t say I bojio because if you’re not using Fave, you’re missing out.
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How Much Commission Does Your Insurance Agent REALLY Earn?

Let’s talk about transparency. How much does your insurance agent reallllly earn from selling you policies, and how can you discern whether they’re truly working for your interest or to line their own pockets with more commissions? In this article, I’m going to reveal to you information that has never been made public before…and what you’re about to discover may shock some of you.
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Adulting 101: An Insurance Roadmap for Gen Zs

“I just hope nothing happens to me” is a poor plan for your future. Gen Zs, this is my open letter to you. Take it from this Millennial personal finance mama who is (i) not an insurance agent but (ii) willingly pays for insurance to protect my entire family. I may only be a few years older than you, but I’ve seen more of life to know what it’ll be like without protection.
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